So, as I’ve been posting the cats on YouTube and they have developed quite the following, I took a follower’s suggestion and created a wishlist for them. All gifts are appreciated!
Before anyone sends a gift, please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can see more of the cats here.
Sushi – 12 years old.

Sushi is very set in her ways, but she’s become more open to what the twins are doing (I call Buddy and Smokee the Irish twins since they were born in the same year and only a few months apart). She doesn’t like wet food at all, but she’s open to experimenting with different types of dry food. She likes feathers and shoe laces. She loves, loves, LOVES treats and catnip.
Smokee – 3 years old.

Smokee is the middle cat and youngest female. She loves both wet and dry food, but more partial to wet food. She’s very protective of our home, so she’s not one to make too many outside friends. She is closest with Buddy and seems to have tolerated Sushi, who can be a bit of a bully towards her. She likes being around humans, but not necessarily being held. She loves to be petted and really loves catnip.
Buddy – 3 years old.

Buddy is the youngest and the only male. He’s both an inside and outside cat, whereas Sushi and Smokee are just inside cats. He’s closest with Smokee, and has won over Sushi. He makes neighborhood friends and has about 3-4 other families he visits. He loves just about all food, with a few exceptions. He loves cat toys the most of all the cats.
Again, any gift is truly appreciated! Thank you all for all of your support! xoxoxo